Catalogue of Historical Recorder Repertoire

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displaying 1 to 12 out of 12.
Name: Country: Lived:
Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer The Netherlands 1692 - 1692†
Carl Maria von Weber 1786 - 1786†
Yvonne Weichsell ? -
John Weldon England 1676 - 1676†
Imke Wellmann ? -
Johann Hugo von Wilderer Germany 1670 - 1670†
Ruth Wilkinson ? -
William Williams England 1675 - 1675†
Christian Friedrich Witt [Witte] Germany 1660 - 1660†
Petrus Laurentius Wockenfuss Germany 1675 - 1675†
Sybille Wolf ? -
Robert Woodcock England 1690 - 1690†