Catalogue of Contemporary Blockflute Music

In June 1998, the Catalogue of Contemporary Blockflute Music was published on the net by the Stichting Blokfluit.

The CCBM intends to give all compositions, from the year 1900 on, in which the recorder/blockflute * is originally mentioned and which are meant to be performed on any stage of any kind.

Apart from extensive information on more than 6000 titles (up to 40 information fields per title) the CCBM contains data about nearly 2100 composers of more than 45 different nationalities.

A free membership is needed to get full access to the catalogue.

The CCBM is in constant development. New items are added every week. As we are very keen on new information from the users, you can also add your own compositions to the database by filling out the 'submit form'. Once you are inside the catalogue and see a '?', just click on it and you will get the already filled out formula of the actual item which you eventually can complete. By closing the formula it will be automatically mailed to us; we verify it and will add it to the database.
But also when you have any other supplements or remarks, please contact us.

* to avoid confusion about the word 'recorder', which could refer to a musical instrument as well as a tape-'recorder', we introduced the name 'blockflute' for any use of the instrument in a contemporary sense.

Data-status (05/04/2020): 6003 titles, 2167 composers, 1465 score samples, 578 publishers

With special thanks to Walter van Hauwe, Kees Boeke, Jorge Isaac, Paul Leenhouts, and many others.
